

Here we are! -the new batch of Level 1 MATT players!
-3 absent


Concert Dates- please mark your calendars for the concerts 
 1)Please be sure you confirm our attendance on sign up sheets
 2) Level 1 -please sign for your t-shirt for the concert
                 - if possible please wear pants/skirts of festive colors
         ALL STUDENTS: Friday evening Dec. 6th -arrive 6:30pm
               Shoppers World Mall beside "Santa's Workshop"
  Level 2 and 3 only: Sunday Dec.15/arrive 10 am- 
                  Steeles and Tomken area-188 Wilkinson                      
Shoppers World Program:
Christmas Carols (Level 2 &3)
Doh a Deer, Twinkle-melody, Joy to the World (all students)
Queen of Sheba, Corelli Gavotte, Sahara Crossing (level 3)
Due to limited space at the church, beginners will play Dec 6 th only.
                               THIS WEEK' HOMEWORK
 Level 2
1.Finish Learning Joy to the World (see below)
  2. Concert Song- both parts solo and ensemble
   3. AFS #64 Jingle Bells
Continue working ahead with AFS Book to the end!
JOY to the WORLD

Line 1 : D C# B A__ G F# E D__ (D scale backwards from top)

Line 2: A B_ BC#_C# D____        ( scale from A  string up D)

Line 3: //: D  DC# BA A G  F# ://-    

      violin a 3 3 2   1  0  0  d3 2  (play twice)

      cello   a4  4  3  1  0  0  d4 3   (play twice)

Line 4 : F#/ F#F#F# F#G/A____ GF# /E E E EF#/ G_____
violin     2 /  2  2   2    23  / A0___   3 2 /1 1 1  1 2 / 3

cello:       3 / 3 3   3    34  / A0 ___   4 3/ 1 1 1  1 3/  4

Line 5: F#E /D  D_B /  A GF#  G/  F#_ E_ / D____ //
 violin: 2 1 / D0 a3_ 1/ A0 d3 d2d 3/ 2_ 1_ /0____ //
  cello: 3  1/D0 a4_1/ A0 d4 d3d 4/ 3 _ 1_/ 0____//

Level 1

Play each note 2 times:
 D E F# G A B C# D

       violin/viola:        D0  d1 d2  d3  A0 a1 a2 a3
                cello:        D0  d1 d3 d4   D0 d1 d3 d4
                REMEMBER your correct finger spacing!

NEW: Come back down the scale- taking off one finger at a time on A then place all fingers down on D and take off one at a time.

NEW Doh a Deer: Hold each note going up the scale to match the changes in the song played by Ms.Currie

//: line 1: D D A A /B   B  A____/
      all     0 0-  0  0  /a1 a1  0____/
                                     line 2: G G F#F#/ E E D____://
                            viola/violin d3 3  2  2  /  1  1 0____:// repeat line 1 and 2

                                    cello   d4 4  3  3  /  1  1 0____ 
                                  //: line 3:  A A G G /F#F# E____:// repeat line 3
                            viola/violin     A0 0 3  3 / 2 2    1
                                      cello      A0 0 4  4/ 3  3    1    DC. al Fine
New Musical terms:

            go back to the beginning and play line 1 again to end the song
//:    ://  repeat between  the  dotted double bars
Level 3
 Continue work on:
Gavotte, Queen of Sheba, Sahara Crossing
N.B.  Careful tuning and finger placement is MOST important
Christmas Carols: more to be added
N.B. Learn to play these in tune and up to correct tempo
plus with others, we play harmony and /or melody of:
Doh a Deer/ Twinkle/Jingle Bells/ Joy to the World with Level 1/2

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