
HAPPY HALLOWE"EN!-lessons moved to Nov 7th.

ENJOY your SPOOOOOKY night- Oct 31st. lessons are moved to the following next week, same times as usual.
DO NOT MISS  this lesson, unless you call the day ahead.
More on that later. Parents will receive our absence policy with contact numbers, at your next lesson.

Thursday LESSON DATES 2013/14
Level 2 and 3 Students and parents please mark these dates onto your calendar, if you haven't already done so.
Alternate Thursdays as follows:
Nov. 7 (replacing Hallowe'en ), 14, and 28
Dec. 12
Jan. (2 tentative) 16 and 30
Feb. 13 and 27
March 20
April 3, 17
May 1, 15 and 29
June 12 and (26 Tentative)

ROSE CONCERT "Young Masters" Saturday night 8pm.
Meet Claudia at the Rose Theatre Box Office
 between 7:15 and 7:45 p.m. to receive your tickets.

Level 2
Jingle Bells with correct bowing and tuning!
Joy to the World-continue into line 2 and 3
Line 1 : D C# B A__ G F# E D__
        start on a3 (Cello a4) then down the D scale to open D
Don't forget : C# and B are both UP BOW in line 1
Line 2: A B_ BC#_C# D____
Line 3: //: D  DC# BA A G  F# ://-this is the D scale from the top down.
      violin a 3 3 2   1  0  0  d3 2  repeat
      cello   a4  4  3  1  0  0  d4 3   repeat

AFS BOOK: review p25 # 71 and 72
 NEW "CONCERT SONG" #75 p.26
                      learn the upper line-"Solo"

Level 3
D and G scale 2 octaves, with shifting on A string
D scale two notes slurred -one octave
For your Private lesson, circle IN PENCIL the hardest parts and ask  your teacher for help perfecting them:
Entrance of the Q of Sheba: COMPLETE the SONG
Gavotte: COMPLETE the SONG
Level 1
Homework CHARTS: now filled in for all parts except scale
EVERY time you play, check RH bow grip and LH finger placement and Correct instrument hold position
Review Open  string cycle (a) in whole notes and (b)4 quarter notes
                                          (c) 2 Half notes 
              Open-1 string cycle- finger correctly placed on tape

 TWINKLE LINE 1 continue working on:
                                                00   00  a1a1 0---
NEW  fingers 1,  2 and 3 on D string.
PLAY EACH NOTE 4 times before you move to the next one:


Place finger 1 in correct spot on tape- to play D string (:open) then E -1
Hold finger 1 in place and add finger 2(violin/viola) or 3 (cello) Leave a good space (2.5cm) between fingers to create the right sounds.
Then keep all down and add 3 (violin/viola) or  4 (cello)
You are now playing D E F# and Git sounds like Doh ,Re Mi Fa
PRACTICE NOTES:CAREFULLY CHECK YOUR RH AND LH  POSITION FIRST, , then begin your slow and careful practice! 


MUSIC MAKING for the YOUNG and Hallowe'en lessons CANCELLED

Please note The Towers Management has TODAY cancelled our use of the party room Thursday (Hallowe'en) We will offer to reschedule those lessons for Nov.7th, if you are able to attend. All Thursday students are requested to see Claudia Tuesday to sign IN or OUT for these Nov. 7th lessons.

Next week we have a chance to see and hear what young musicians can do- as both performers AND as composers-
at the Nov. 2nd Rose Orchestra Concert.
Hear a symphony written by  10 year old W. A.Mozart, the most famous Wedding March ever written by the teen-aged Felix Mendelssohn. Special solo piano performance by twenty-something  Jarred Dunn of Brampton   and hear our own Rosebud Orchestra children as well.
   We hope you DON"T MISS this one !
Payment due Next Tuesday Oct. 29.

Level 2
Christmas in October:
1. Jingle Bells  AFS #64 p25
2. Joy to the World:
Line 1 : D C# B A__ G F# E D__
        start on a3 (Cello a4) then down the D scale to open D
Don't forget : C# and B are both UP BOW in line 1
Line 2: A B_ BC#_C# D____
AFS Book: learn WELL #71 and 72 NO MISTAKES
                                                     to prepare for next song #75
REVIEW Long Long AGO, Lightly Row, Twinkle Rhythms
 Level 3
D and G scale 2 octaves
D scale two notes slurred -one octave
Continue Sheba: Violin 1 and 2 solos also work in private lessons
all parts up to bar 60
Gavotte: all parts up to bar 58
Sahara :up to bar 50
Level 1
Homework CHARTS: now filled in for all parts except scale
EVERY time you play, check RH bow grip and LH finger placement and Correct instrument hold position
Review Open  string cycle (a) in whole notes and (b)4 quarter notes
              Open-1 string cycle- finger correctly placed on tape
                                                00   00  a1a1 0---



We are very happy to be adding some great coaches and teachers to our MATT Team, as we build grow and our Program . What this means is that your children will have more individual attention and thus, with your consistent and careful home review, they will be able to move ahead.
Alternate weeks Marilyn McKay will work Tuesday with the cellos , with Loraine Sawyers helping the violins the other Tuesdays. She will be taking various students out for extra help as we see the opportunity to add support. Cecilia volunteers her help to Level 3 cello section on lesson week. And our new teacher Loren- is a great asset- her children were excited to receive their first private lesson!
Many thanks to all our generous volunteers and staff! Claudia, our Admin. Assistant is covering EVERYTHING that comes up outside the actual class teaching, while we move forward and grow our program. Her son Kris is our volunteer high school student, trading off with Jarna  a young lady who lives nearby, to load, unload, and set up. Many thanks to all students and parents who help set up and put away chairs.

                                                Extra Help Days Survey
We have had four responses to the offer for extra help after school, but  until all votes are in, we cannot sort this out- will keep asking! If it eventually seems like people agree on something, we will work on setting it up!

Review: Scales of D and G two octaves
NEW D major scale: One octave-:Slur TWO notes per bow

PIECES:"Sahara Crossing"- Careful  tuning F# or G after Eb
Continue: Queen of Sheba- - Violin 1-shaping of passages into "sentences" ALL: listen to rhythms of others, play "in sync"
 Up to bar 33.
               ALL  VIOLINS: LEARN ALL "SOLO" bars WELL!
                 Gavotte -Learn notes up to BAR 50
                 Double Trouble- timing

practice 4X per week BRING CHART TO CLASS
Continue with the following exercises-to get REALLY comfortable
BOW: R. H. Exercises: all fingers spread slightly, thumb bent
                    "windmill",  "monkey crawl", coin on hand- wrist exercise
            L.H. Exercises- position:

Work on smooth straight bowing:

1.A strong correct bow grip is ESSENTIAL FOR EVERY GOOD BOW STROKE
2.Flat bow hair-TILT bow slightly away from nose       
3.Lift BOW OVER string, relax arm weight onto hand
4.let wrist pull up and down, relax shoulder and elbow


 LEFT HAND FIRST FINGER: "little hammer" sits ON TAPE at end of fingerboard.  PRESS FINGER FIRMLY-
                      Exercise: (a)ON EACH STRING pluck 0 -1 TEN times
                                      (b) Play with bow 0 -1 TEN times
Practise FIVE times per week!
                                 NEW # 69 and add 3rd finger D # 70 and 71

REVIEW: Twinkles, Lightly Row and Long Long Ago



                                HOMEWORK THIS WEEK

                 beginners: WE"RE ON THE WAY TO A SONG!
Level 1 :practice 4X per week BRING CHART TO CLASS
Repeat all several times each day till they become easy and natural:
BOW: R. H. Exercises: all fingers spread slightly, thumb bent
                    "windmill",  "monkey crawl", coin on hand- wrist exercise
            L.H. Exercises- position:
       cello- knees grasp cello, pegs at left ear, cello leans to right
       viola/violin: violin covers shoulder, sits over left knee
 head turns to sit on chin rest, head weight holds violin, remove LH
 NEW: LEFT HAND FIRST FINGER: Left hand first finger sits ON TAPE at end of fingerboard.  PRESS FINGER FIRMLY-
                      Exercise: (a)ON EACH STRING pluck 0 -1 TEN times
                                      (b) Play with bow 0 -1 TEN times
BOW EXERCISES: -lift right arm above lowest string
 "Bow Highway"- place bow half way between bridge and fingerboard
                     - wrist movement keeps bow straight in line with bridge
                           - weight of right arm sits on bow hand, raised wrist
-"string cycle": four equal bow strokes on each string from lowest to highest and back again
 Second year studentsWE"RE LEARNING TO READ MUSIC -
                                this will become the ability to read SONGS!

 Level 2: practice 5X per week
1. Every day read lots from AFS Book. Name notes-watch up and down direction of next note-up add a finger, down take away a finger
                                #66, 67, NEW # 68
2. Songs- watch bow grip, tilt of bow
Lightly Row -the whole song
CELLO: see notes below- BOLD=  notes on D string
LINE 1:  E  C#C#__  / D  B  B__   / A B    C#   D / E  E  E __ /
           d1 a3 a3  ___/a4 a1 a1__/  A0 a1 a3 a4   /d1d1d1__
LINE 2:  E  C#  C# C#  / D   B  B  B  / A  C#  E  E/  C# C#  C#___/
            d1/ a3 a3 a3/   /a4 a1a1a1   / a1 a3 d1d1/ a3a3a3____

LINE 3: B   B   B   B   / B   C#  D__ /C# C# C# C# /  C#  D  E___/

               a1 a1 a1 a1 / a1 a3 a4__  /a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 /a3 a4 d1 __/

LINE /4: Repeat line 2  :  
   E  C#  C# C#/ D   B  B  B  / A  C#  E  E/  C# C#  C#___/
   d1 a3 a3 a3  /  a4 a1a1a1 / A  a3 d1d1/  a3 a3 a3____
Review: Twinkles regularly-one rhthym each day
            Long Long Ago
Level 3-practice 5 X per week

               We're preparing a new CONCERT PROGRAM
Review: Scale of D two octaves
NEW Scale of G two octaves-
violin/viola shift on  D on A string(1234) watch C naturals!
                                                 cello shift after D on A string (134)PIECES:"Sahara Crossing"- use of Eb low 2 on D, Bb low on A
Some big spaces for F# after Eb or C# after Bb
Continue: Queen of Sheba- work on short quarter notes and solid eighths. Learn eighth note passages well. Up to bar 33.
                 VIOLINS: LEARN SOLOS
                 Gavotte-tune half notes well
                               Study/learn eighth notes passages up to bar34
                 Double Trouble- timing

TIGER by the TAIL!

YUP- All of you have grasped something which is very huge and promising for your whole lives.
You might say you've got a TIGER by the TAIL.
The TIGER is the world of ORCHESTRA MUSIC!
So many, young and old, never learn what this means-
it takes persistence, dedication, self discipline, enormous patience. BUT all of this disappears as you make it just a regular part of your life. Like learning a new language,
it develops little by little step by step.
Whatever you do, stick with it!
It will be a powerful influence for good in your life,in SO MANY ways.
With that in mind, let's be focused and dedicated with practice . You all have a practice chart to fill in. Bring it to every class- to show the careful thoughtful practice you have been doing. This is the way to success!
PARENTS-please respond to offer of free extra time help- for your benefit, IF it works for you! We need to know!
Level 1 :practice 4X per week
Repeat all several times each day till they become easy and natural:
BOW: R. H. Exercises: all fingers spread slightly, thumb bent
                               "monkey crawl"
                     coin on hand- wrist exercise
            L.H. Exercises- position:
       cello- knees grasp cello, pegs at left ear, cello leans to right
       viola/violin: violin covers shoulder, sits over left knee
 head turns to sit on chin rest, head weight holds violin in place, remove LH
  Left hand first knuckle sits at end of fingerboard, elbow under instrument. 
BOW EXERCISES: -lift right arm above lowest string
                - place bow half way between bridge and black fingerboard
                            - weight of right arm sits on bow hand, raised wrist
-"string cycle": four equal bow strokes on each string from lowest to highest and back again

  Level 2: practice 5X per week
1. Every day read lots from AFS Book.
Name notes as you go, using:
 Every Good Boy DeservesFudge/FACE
 or  Cello  Great Big Dogs Fight Always/AllCowsEatGrass
Start with Duet #58, continue through
#65, 66, 67- and more! Reading is the key to playing music.
2. Songs- watch bow grip, tilt of bow
Lightly Row -the whole song
CELLO: see notes below- BOLD notes mean extension finger position needed for some sharps:
LINE 1:  E  C# C#__  / D  B  B__   / A B    C#   D / E  E  E __ /
           D1  gX4 gX4__/D0 g3g3__/ g1 gX2 gX4 D0 /d1d1d1__
LINE 2:  E  C#  C# C#  / D   B  B  B  / A  C#  E  E/  C# C#  C#___/
            D1gX4 gX4gX4/ D0 g3g3 g3/ g1gX4 d1d1/ gX4gX4gX4__/

LINE 3: B   B   B   B   / B   C#  D__    /C# C# C# C# /  C#  D  E___/
      gX2gX2gX2gX2 /gX2  gX4 D0__/gX4gX4gx4gx4/ gX4 D0 d1__/
LINE /4: Repeat line 2  :  
   E  C#  C# C#/ D   B  B  B  / A  C#  E  E/  C# C#  C#___/
  D1gX4 gX4gX4/ D0 g3g3 g3/ g1gX4 d1d1/ gX4gX4gX4__//

Review: Twinkles regularly-one rhthym each day
            Long Long Ago
See you Saturday at Intermission! 
Level 3-practice 5 X per week

Review: Scale of D two octaves
NEW Scale of G two octaves-
violin/viola shift on  D on A string(1234) watch C naturals!
                                                 cello shift after D on A string (134)PIECES:
NEW "Sahara Crossing"- use of Eb low 2 on D, Bb low on A
Some big spaces for F# after Eb or C# after Bb
Continue: Queen of Sheba- work on short quarter notes and solid eighths. Learn eighth note passages well. Up to bar 20
                 Gavotte-tune half notes well
                               Study/learn eighth notes passages up to 26
                  Double Trouble- timing