

It was a great pleasure to see so many of you in attendance last night at the Rose Orchestra Concert!
Hearing and seeing live concerts, although not intended specifically to entertain children, is a very important part of musical education, and goes hand in hand with learning an instrument .

It is not always easy for families to attend concerts, for many reasons, and the first experience will have varying effects on children. Just know that this is part of required learning of young musicians.The more times they experience live performances of their instruments, the more familiar they are with the purpose and rewards which accompany this endeavour. And the more they understand the art of music making.

Our program is designed to echo a world-wide movement: to uplift the life experience, to enhance the capacity to think and feel, and to work  with others in harmony-through music.
Google "el Systema"

Children may not understand the importance of developing  this talent-they can become discouraged at times.
But parents hold the key to their success-
  • Always make sure you pay attention to what is being learned in class. Check BLOG weekly.
  • Praise them for what they do well!
  • Show them their progress-they know and can do lots of things they couldn't do 2 -3 months ago.
  • make their practice a part of daily routine- make sure to choose a time when they are not tired, but keep the same time every day.
  • Let them help choose the regular practice time, and what to work on first.
  • Be persistent and methodical in practice time, but always kind. Have a sense of humour.
  • Keep the time limit promise: 20-30 min. unless THEY choose to do more -careful practice
  • Praise more than correct!
 Think of this project as something they do till they graduate from high school- think how well they'll play by then!!!!
 It's a special gift YOU ARE GIVING THEM- for their WHOLE LIFE!

Quick homework review for Tuesday:

LEVEL 1: BRING PRACTICE CHART -hand in at tuning time. 4x 20 min practice times per week
Continue scales , rhythms, Twinkle every day

Long, Long Ago Learn line 1 and 2 -given in previous Blog :
4/4 //: D_ D E /F#_F# G / A_ B A /F#___/
d0 d0 d1/d 2 d2 d3/ a0 a1 a0/ d2

A_ G F# / E___ / G_ F# E /D____://
a0 d3 d2 / d1___ / d3_d2 d1/ d0 :// repeat from beginning to end of line 1

LEVEL 2: BRING PRACTICE CHART -hand in at tuning time. 5x 30 min practice times per week
Homework-: 1. Continue note -reading practice: Complete All for Strings up to #95. careful reading. from easy lines to more difficult ones- 10-15 minutes per day .
2. Practise for Lesson 2 this Thursday Jan 17. -10 -20 min per day bring Suzuki Book 1, teachers notes in dictation book and  theory book, with work completed.

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