

 March 10,2016


Here's what I am reading right now:

"Changing LIVES .." by Tricia Tunstall
an account of the incredible world -wide sweep of the El Sisteme orchestra program for children in Venezuela, now teaching 400,00 children there. I got my copy on Amazon,and am so glad I did!

In the book's Prelude, Ms Tunstall, a piano teacher, says:
"An inherent limitation of the  private lesson format.. the drawback [to] the experience of music-making is the experience of making music alone. How much easier.. I always think- not to mention how much more fun, and maybe even more musically satisfying- if they could play all together.
[In] El Sisteme, the guiding ideal of the orchestra as a school for civic community is so strong as to effectively transcend the the distinction between musical education and social transformation"
and to close the chapter she says: "the children of the United States-[and I submit, Canada] can benefit greatly from an educational vision that brings not only skills and training but also community, artistry, discipline and hope."

Maintaining this humbling and inspiring message as our highest ideal, we wish all MATT students and parents a very happy March Break!

1 comment:

  1. What you have described and shared is the inherent power of the Universal principal of Unity in Diversity brought by Baha'u'llah in all human affairs.

    So beautiful.

    I wish you a great March Break too.
