April 13th
"Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe,
wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and
to everything."
ALL ADVANCED ENSEMBLE PLAYERS are asked to notify Marilyn TODAY! via email to let her know if you can "Celebrate with Elgar-Pomp and CIrcumstance" next Thursday April 21 5:15 to 6 pm for Lease signing Ceremony. Parents asked to read the handout and respond with a signed note Tuesday "YEA OR NAY". So far we have THREE responses. We need planning time if this is to happen. Many thanks!
Parents, please remember to bring your final payment THIS WEEK if you haven't already done so! THANK YOU!!
ROSE ORCHESTRA PERFORMANCE TICKETS! - This is the final week to purchase tickets for the Rose Orchestra performance Saturday April 30 - 8pm at the Rose Theater.
Everyone should have the April calendar. May calendar to follow soon!
If you did view the video last week, please take a look at it this week!!!
This is a WONDERFUL YouTube video featuring our program and our fabulous leader!! Make sure that you and your student(s) take 5 minutes and watch it!!
We will have a performance by Ensemble 2 this Tuesday.
Here are the pieces chosen SO FAR for the June 14th CONCERT:
Brandenburg Concerto
Land of the Silverbirch
La Paloma
Sine Nomine
Final PREP for VIDEO TAPING April 26! :La Paloma
so get your "Passionate playing" in gear as well as careful work on all notes, rhythms and dynamics!!!
Please concentrate on the above only this week.
Star Wars will also be started this week- if you prepare this one for Tuesday also, it MAY become a concert selection- no promises till we hear how it is going!
1.Baroque Fanfare violin 2 : learn all SOLI PARTS WELL- you have the TUNE !!!
2.Bows on the Bus
3. Pizzicato Magic
WORK HARD on these so you are ready for a new piece to be handed out Tuesday!
3. Pizzicato Magic
WORK HARD on these so you are ready for a new piece to be handed out Tuesday!
FOR THE CONCERT you will play for SURE:
1.Long Long Ago
2.Lightly Row -we now have learned ALL lines
3.Twinkles: mississippi hot dog
4. And MORE to be decided! Something new from AFS book will be played in concert
HOME PRACTICE work on three above pieces for concert
Continue playing as a warm up: D Scale, one Twinkle Rhythm per day, including
"I stop & you stop"
THIS WEEK : ALL FOR STRINGS: Review page 16-18 # 25 to 28