
2012 lessons have begun!

January 10 we had a very good first class of 2012, even though a few students were absent for various reasons. What that means of course is more attention for those present- much good work was done as we continued to establish excellent playing positions and then learn the finger placement for the notes of the D scale.!
. This week January 17, we look forward to having Robyn, Danielle and Domenic back with us. Two sisters ,Aileen and Anne Marie are in the Philippines for a month, and Alex, group 1 cellist will also be away for a few weeks.
  • Please bring your practice charts every week so we can celebrate your hard work and progress (also sometimes if you have it with you, there are chances for prizes as well!)
How to practice at home? Cut out the guide below and have your practice helper follow it through with you. You'll notice how much easier and more fun it is to play when you've done your homework!

Practicing for Success
1. STRING CYCLE: open strings, no fingers: 4 long straight bows on each open string : from cello c- to g-  to d- to a- to violin e & back again.
 As you do this check your right elbow and find the perfect level for a clear full bow which makes only one note- sound . On each string do the same, until you love the beautiful clear sound you can make!

2."Open - 1 STRING CYCLE": on your lowest  string play open string, then place first finger firmly on the same string, on the tape and bow again. This will sound like "doh-ray" in the scale. Repeat this again at least 5 times until it sounds strong and clear(make sure your bow grip is strong as well, for a nice clear sound)
 Repeat on each string, listening for a good clear sound. This is the "open -1" string cycle.

4.Notes for the D Scale:
 Play open-1 on the d string . After finger #one (on tape)sounds good,  add second finger, about 2,1/2 cm. away from first finger. For cello this is third finger . This is now making doh, ray, mi. (d, e, f#.)Repeat this carefully so that the sound is clear - bow must stay on the d string all the time.

5. Repeat #4 but this time add finger 3 right beside finger 2 so that the finger tips touch .(For CELLO add 4th finger.) Now you have played doh-ray-mi -soh( d,e,f#,g) all on the d string.

6. Repeat exactly the same fingers on the A string., that is b,c# d  These notes are the last four notes of the D SCALE. Play them again and listen for a clear sound.

7. Start at #4 and play all the way from open d 1, 2, 3,(cello - 0,1,3,4) open a, 1, 2 to 3rd finger(cello _ 0,1,3,4) . These notes form the D scale. When you can play them all the way up clearly and with a nice full bow, you have completed your homework assignment..

8. Practice these steps each day - it will help you to play the D scale without difficulties in

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